Feb 29, 2008

Its in the "AIR"

Adobe recently launches their New Technoloy called Adobe AIR. AIR stands for "Adobe Integrated Runtime". AIR is the runtime for all the platforms(windows, Mac and linux) and it let user use the RIA's as desktop Apps. Adobe Air's runtime environment allows developers with access to API (application programming interface) kits from companies to create customized versions of the Web experience -- without the browser. Developers with Flash and HTML abilities can take the information structures of a Web site and create an application that users can download to their desktop, which would then operate just like any other desktop application. This would allow -- among other actions -- users to drag and drop information from any Web site onto their desktop.

Websites such as auctioneer eBay have already developed applications that use the new technology. After a quick download, the eBay users can click the company's logo on their desktop and launch an application that will allow them to do their business directly no browser required. The software is part of a growing number of technologies that aim to make the transition between the on and offline worlds seamless.

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