Oct 17, 2007

Do Yahoo! Yahoo again?

I have just read the Jerry Yang's blog about the strategic changes which Yahoo will incorporate soon. This ends the much (or little...) speculation about "What is yahoo doing?". It was nice to read the "founder's" insight about the company and its plans for attempting revival of the internet giant(?). Jerry sounds reincarnated and also wrote about from ending up some services to narrowing down the 3 points agenda, rather trying to hit all over approach. Jerry's 3 point agenda on which company would concentrate in coming years are:

1. To concentrate on the Yahoo services which are the starting point of yahoo access such as mail, search etc. On this front Yahoo has large user base already(even it is diminishing every second and switching to Google).
2. To aggressively invest on Panama and increase the revenue from online ads. (Again there already Google sits at first place with AdSense but Yahoo is on 2nd place.)
3. To create the Platform for developers and publishers for creating application/gadgets for yahoo user base.

I think with this strategy in place and Jerry as a leader Yahoo can compensate some of its losses but not all because the Google ghost is there for all. Google's "Do no evil" motto sometimes paradoxes itself as it does lots of losses for other giants and they are now forced to think for their survival in the Web 2.0 world.

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